OpenFOAM Links and References

If you have resources you think should be included, please email me and I'll consider adding them.


OpenFoam Foundation
OpenFOAM Ltd
using the medieval Mael font
col 1 primary tool col 2 discussion col 3 related

This is

OpenFOAM Foundation page
Introduction to 11

Users' Guide

Learning OF i

CFD-Online general forum

Tutorial List (old full)

Xsim List / Description of the Tutorials
v11 new Tutorials (only 3)

OpenFOAM Linux Guide
Learning OF ii

CFD-Online Learn OpenFOAM for Beginners

CFD-Online Getting started with OpenFoam


OpenFOAM Preprocessors
Creative Fields CF Mesh+

Creative Fields FAQ's

It is possible to use the default meshing programs SnappyHexMesh and Blockmesh in OpenFoam. I've found that these are very time consuming.

Gmsh an open source meshing developed by Christophe Geuzaine and Jean-François Remacle

OpenFOAM PostProcessors

The latest OpenFOAM Foundation distribution also installs Paraview. ParaView ParaView

Paraview is opensource and works well with openFOAM.

Initially I was confused as there was a ParaFOAM which appeared to be similar to ParaView. Paraview is opensource and was written by Sandia National Labs. The ParaFOAM is apparenty the same as ParaView but with a script file in it's run directory which causes it to more easily load OpenFOAM files but it is the same program.

Another reason for liking {or at least using} ParaView is there is an extensive and very helpful on-line support forum for the package.

It is found here.

Dr. Tomislav Maric

Dr. Tomislav Maric
at the Technischen University (TU) Darmstadt

Thanks for the Sourceforge OpenFoam tutorials.

Dr. Maric also has a blog on C++ related things to OpenFoam {link below}.

Dr. Tobias Holzmann

Dr. Tobias Holzmann
His CFD site

He wrote a good book on the numerics behind CFD. A free PDF copy is available.

OpenFOAM from ESI
OpenFOAM Ltd
using the Greek Dalek font

OpenFoam from ESI. These have an engineering group supporting OpenFOAM. Their numbering of OpenFOAM releases is different than the OpenFOAM Foundation. The latest release is OpenFOAM 2306, June 23, 2023.
ESI website

Dr. Jozsef Nagy's series of tutorials on learning OpenFOAM. These appear based on the ESI version of OpenFOAM but I hope to validate how they work with the Foundation vv using OF-7.

Learning OpenFOAM

Linux Tools
I like xUbuntu, which uses the XFCE Desktop in place of gnome.

Linux Tools

OpenFOAM Linux Guide
download Ubuntu Linux

Ubuntu Forums

Stack Exchange Ask Ubuntu
